Collecting business data can be incredibly valuable for generating leads, finding link-building opportunities, conducting market research, or even selling data to other businesses. However, traditional methods for gathering data can be slow, expensive, and often require hiring developers to create custom scripts. Even after collecting the data, manually reaching out to prospects through email can be time-consuming and inefficient. GSA Scrape Genie solves these problems by automating data collection, filtering, and email outreach, allowing you to gather custom data and engage with prospects, all on autopilot.
GSA Scrape Genie - main interface

Automatically collect your Data

Unlock the Power of Automated Data Collection and Targeted Email Outreach with GSA Scrape Genie.

Accurate Website Data Parsing

Save time and ensure you gather the most accurate data. Quickly parse business information like emails, phone numbers, social media pages, and more with included templates. Use advanced options like Regular Expressions to extract custom data specific to your needs.
parser definition
email parser plugin

Plugin Support for special Scrapers

You are in control to get all the data you want as seen on this email parser plugin.

Comprehensive Filtering Options

Gather high-quality, targeted data by filtering web results by language, country, URL, content, and anchor text. Set custom parsing rules to extract exactly what you need.
filter options
auto mailer setup

Integrated SMTP Server for Automated Outreach

Quickly reach potential leads with support for multiple SMTP accounts. Control the number of emails sent per hour and set delays between sends. Configure your SMTP server settings directly within the software and automatically send personalized emails to your scraped contacts.

Language Detection

Reach out to your customers in their native language. The language of the email/website is detected and a predefined template is used. Macros and spin syntax is supported to make the message more unique.
auto mailer message settings
automatic export options

Versatile Export Options

Manage and organize your data in the format you prefer. Export your scraped data automatically to various formats, including CSV files, email, web, and FTP. Schedule regular exports at custom intervals to keep your data up-to-date.

Never miss a Client

There are thousands of search engines to choose from. With your entered keywords it will quickly get you the data you want within seconds.
search engine options