The program GSA Buchhalter was built for us internally to use with our company GSA, but was later made public since we saw the need for a tax program without a yearly license. However, it is only available in German language, and we don't plan to release it for the English market as we have no knowledge of other tax systems.


Manage all your finances in one application. Submit your reports to your finance office online and manage all of your accounts.


See all your in and outputs in a nice chart and react quickly on mismatches.
Registration Elster

Setup for Elster

You can set up the ELSTER function very easily and later on send your tax reports directly to your tax office.

Value Added Tax

Submit all your taxes online in an easy way with a click of a button.

Protocol of Tax Submission

Once you have submitted your tax reports online, you can see the results in a nice log as a proof.

Bank Account Activities

List all your activities and check your bookings easily and fast.
Bank Report
Base Data

Customize Positions

Everything can be configured, even the different account types and the settings towards them.


Creating a yearly income report for the tax office couldn't be easier.

Net Income Method

Calculate your different taxes for the tax office easily.


Calculate all the different ways on how to handle an investment tax based.